Friday, April 27, 2012

Green Thumb

Spring is definitely here and my garden tasks are keeping me from blogging as often as I'd like. Our new home came with a couple of large raised beds already in place as well as another on the corner of our yard outlined with a concrete curb. My dad spent several days helping me prepare all the beds, loosening the soil, and adding lots of compost. The result is a beautifully light and fluffy soil in which I finally started planting vegetable and herb seeds and seedlings- something I always wanted to do at the previous house, but never got around to, beyond a few tomato plants. I also came across "square-foot gardening" and thought I'd give it a try- I do love anything that is so clearly explained and looks so organized! The beds are now marked off every foot with twine and I've followed the book's recommendations for planting intensively. I like the way that the system automatically assists with crop rotation, as you never leave a square empty. Once harvested, the square is immediately replanted.

So, what's in the vegetable beds? A couple plants each of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and brussel sprouts. About a dozen squares of corn, 4 tomato plants, a couple of squares of beets, carrots, snap peas, and edamame beans, which each contain about 9-16 plants, a couple each of cantaloupe, winter squash, pumpkins, and zucchini plants. Also a few squares of onions and nasturtiums. I try to take a picture every week or so, because with the pattern of rain and warm sun we've recently had, everything has been growing quickly! For the times when I'm not quite ready to replant, I've also picked up some buckwheat seeds to use as a cover crop.

I also have a few large pots containing citrus trees, several strawberry plants, lettuces, and (yum!) lots of blueberry shrubs! Next step is to get a compost or worm bin started, and THEN maybe I can tackle the front yard and all the "pretty" (vs. edible) landscaping!

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