Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Alphabet Activities: Letter C

No more "Summer School"- REAL school is keeping me pretty busy right now. It's always like that at the beginning. Fortunately, we had a quiet weekend at home last week, so Munch and I had another alphabet day. We glued cottonballs to her C letter collage-
painted an egg carton caterpillar-
and make some yummy chocolate chip peanut butter cookies-
Munch surprised me last week with a doodled picture that she explained were workers- "See, W-N-A-O-I-V. That says workers, Mom!" I guess we've still got a ways to go on the phonetic spelling...


Cinder Rail'lee said...

You are such a wonderful mom! and Munch is growing so fast!

Helene said...

Awwww, such fun activities!! How did you make the caterpillar out of the egg carton?? That's such a great idea!!

Oh and I have to thank you so much for your comment about the cake. Your tips were very helpful. It never even dawned on me to just add milk or water to the frosting to get it thinner, rather than microwaving it. Microwaving it made it look horrible but I had no idea what else to do. Now I have a ton of ideas...I'm so excited to make the "real cake" next month!