Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer School: Letter F

Today was F day (no special reason except that it was easy to get the materials together & there was no leftover mess to deal with with our upcoming vacation- note to readers, I won't be posting for a bit. But I'll think of you as I spa & sun in San Diego!) After practicing writing upper case F, we worked on cutting.

Munch also got to do a little painting, which she loves-

She enjoyed a snack of fish crackers while the paint dried and we also worked on our F collage-

Once the painted plates were dry, Munch glued on the cut up bits of paper-

and I cut up the second plate, attached it to the first, and voila! A paper plate fish!


Helene said...

Your daughter looks like she's having a blast!!!! What a fun activity!!!

Cinder Rail'lee said...

Having older boys 21, 18 then my baby boy who is 6, I forgot about doing these wonderful crafts and letter formations. Caleb struggles with his letters (all are basically BACKWARDS) frustrating for my husband lol. (I;m known STILL to write my letters backwards) I'll have to try this in the summer! Your such a wonderful mom! and so creative!